Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Bella on the other hand isn't into looking frilly. She couldn't wait to get the bows out of her hair.
The bow lasted about 5 minutes before she removed it. At least I have one girly girl.
And, this is Daisy Lu's new favorite spot in the house. We found her up here the other day when we came home. She now gets up here daily to watch what's happening in the kitchen.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
On behalf of many, many thousands of children who remained safe and
through China’s toughest winter storms in 50 years, THANK YOU!
The weather has warmed considerably. On Wednesday, all power was
Director Liu of the Yihuang County SWI in Jiangxi province called us on
Friday. He said that Yihuang was the last place in China to have light
again. Thanks to you, the orphanage was able to buy a generator which
produced just enough power to light the children’s building. Although
of their buildings was severely damaged by snow and the staff had to
well water from the countryside for many days, no one was hurt and all
children stayed well. The director called to make sure we all knew how
grateful he is for aid from the Little Mouse Emergency Fund.
Our staff in Beijing has had conversations like this one all week long
we made arrangements to wire reimbursement for locally purchased goods
98 different welfare institutions. Today we are pleased to announce
end of this extraordinary relief effort. From all over the world, this
community has raised almost 5 Million Yuan RMB (US$700,000) to protect
Approximately 3 Million is going directly to those institutions which
suffered through this disaster. The remaining funds will be used to
all children's welfare institutions establish a store of emergency
provisions so that this never happens again. 100% of the funds donated
the Little Mouse Emergency Fund are dedicated to this purpose.
On Wednesday we will meet with Vice-Minister of Civil Affairs, Dou
to make a ceremonial presentation of the proceeds of the Little Mouse
Emergency Fund to China’s orphaned children, and to discuss a plan for
disaster preparation in the welfare institutions. The Ministry of Civil
Affairs understands that this is a gift to the children from people of
many nations and they look forward to the opportunity to express their
It has been a tremendous pleasure and an honor to be a part of this
effort. I understand what “people power” means in a whole new way.
people really care, nothing can stop them from doing what needs to be
As of today, the Fund is closed.
If there are donations on the way, we will include them in the fund.
if you are considering a gift today, please, instead, support the Half
Sky programs that give children the loving care of family every single
day. Even when the weather is calm.
With love and gratitude,
Jenny Bowen
Executive Director
Half the Sky Foundation
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
- The temperature is MUCH warmer in Georgia than it is in Michigan.
- If Head tells you to hang a left......You don't listen.
- Speaking of left......I learned that it either goes to the left or the right....Not both ways. =)
- Tracy can make one mean rum & coke.
- If I stay up late ONE night.....You can still be tired DAYS later.
- Connie knows how to rock a pair of red pj's (with feet) like no other!
- Even tho Krista is a cop, if she isn't packin' heat......She's a wimp! =)
- Big D*addy sure knows how to handle his meat......Even in complete darkness.
- Tracy is a princess.
- Connie does NOT raise pigs.
- If you sit three to a seat.....You don't need a seatbelt.
- Georgia roads are curvy.
- Stacy and I both have OCD and love hot showers AND are very mature.
- Kristen didn't even look at all stressed even tho she is moving THIS weekend and wasn't even packed.
- Mel (link to old blog) doesn't like ladybugs. =(
- Tracy is the kind of friend that would open up her house to you.
- Mel won't let anyone load her dishwasher.
- Chicken wings take FOREVER when ordered at a Mexican restaurant.
- These girls read waaaaaaay more blogs than I do.
- I've been missing out on so many waaaaaaay cool blogs.
- I learned why Heather is called Head.
- They WILL talk about you if you aren't there. =)
- Some people aren't very "regular" in the bathroom department.
- Mel really knows how to throw a par-tay!
- I want to have a pug someday.
- Krista takes FOREVER to get ready.
- Th*or has REALLY big ears!
- M*attie loves her mama.
- I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time.
- Putting on my big girl panties and hopping on a plane was soooooooo worth it!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008
- The weather has been so terrible here (fog, ice, snow, freezing rain) that the kids only had 1.5 days of school last week and will have only 2 days of school this week. The school only allows 5 or 6 snow days per year and the rest you have to make-up....At this rate they will be in school until AUGUST!! I think they have been in school about 12 days since Christmas break ended.
- I'm soooooooooooooo sick of winter.
- I have been working on my tan (at the tanning salon) and hope to give T a run for the money in "being the most tan" department next weekend! However, if you look at the underside of my arms they're mostly white.....Gotta remember to flip them over during the last 8 minutes. =)
- Have I mentioned that I'm going to Georgia next weekend??! =)
- Going out this Saturday with the girls for Hope's friend's (Bells) 16th B-day to have pedicures/nails done and a little lunch. Looking forward to it.
- Ian did his valentines for school today and added a chocolate in each one. Ian left them on my bed and when I came home from work.......One of the dogs had eaten 7 chocolate hearts. Considering the fact that I had two dogs with me at work and one in a pen.....I know who did it.
- Did a little shopping last weekend. After trying on numerous bathing suits I realized that I was kidding myself to think that I was close to my goal weight.
- Speaking of shopping......I haven't bought a thing for Ava in MONTHS, but because of the last batch I was excited to buy my girl something. I saw this bathing suit on another blog and went in the G*A*P and asked the sales lady if she had any left. She said, "What size do you need?" I said, "It doesn't matter." She didn't even give me a strange look. Must be that lots of waiting ladies in the China Adoption program were buying this suit!
I of course HAD to buy her a cover-up too!
AND I certainly couldn't leave this hanging at the store......I'm ONLY human for crying out loud!!
AND this was in my fortune cookie about a month ago. Hmmmmmm, I wonder where I'll be going where there will be lots of spicy conversation????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!
We will be logged in 23 months tomorrow! Another month closer!!


1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Rat personality traits People born in the Year of the Rat are one of the most industrious and hardest working in the zodiac.
Forever busy in pursuit of an ambitous personal goal, at times they may become difficult to work with since they are born perfectionists. Rats must ensure that every "i" is dotted before completing an assigned task. As a result, they are often successful financially, and are good providers for their family and those they cherish most dearly.
Loyal and loving, Rat people inspire loyalty in others who are close to them. They are essentially honest individuals and loath to betray a confidence. However, their quick wit and restlessness can sometimes lead to chattiness, and they can often be relied upon at large social gatherings for a good story or a juicy bit of gossip.
Their energy levels and expert organizational talents are such that it is a rare thing to see a Rat person sitting idly by with nothing to do.
They may even sometimes be viewed as opportunists who cajole others into helping them accomplish a great ambition. In their careers, Rat people can find much success as business leaders or politicians.
Rats are most compatible with : Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008