Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Our Ruby girl is sick. Really sick. Last night the kids called for me because Ruby was making a crying noise that sounded a bit like a dog crying. They thought she had learned a new trick and was imitating one of the dogs. Knowing Ruby, I knew that something must be wrong because she usually stays silent if you're in the same room with her. Ruby does all her talking and performing when she doesn't think anyone is around. One of her best tricks is when she whistles If I only had a brain taught to her by Jeff and also, her imitation of a Nextel pager. I noticed that she hadn't eaten any of her food and she just looked tired. We were able to get a hold of vet and she thought it sounded like an upper respiratory infection and said to make an appointment first thing in the morning.

Ruby is not the sweet cuddly type, but what she lacks in that department she makes up for in personality. Her favorite human without a doubt is Ian. Whenever Ian enters the room, she climbs down from her perch and rings her bell to say hello. Ian always talks to Ruby and brings his toys to show her. She loves the attention and is most thrilled if he shows her something that makes noise....The louder the better!

I hardly slept last night thinking I would find her dead this morning at the bottom of her cage. When I checked on her this morning she was in about the same shape she was in last night. When Ian came in to see her this morning, she came up to the bars of the cage and started her pitiful cry again....The same one from last night. It was almost if she was telling him she was sick. It just broke my heart.

I took her to the vet this morning and he said she is really sick. He is said she has an infection going on, but is also quite concerned how thin she is. He said he wants to keep her for a few days, but it's very possible that she isn't going to make it. When we acquired Ruby from the pet store about 6 years ago her age was unknown. I'm not sure if the reason she is thin has something to do with her being an older bird?.....I just don't know. The vet is going to try and get some antibiotics down her and feed her with a tube. If she starts to get stronger then he is going to get a blood sample from her to check her kidney and lung function. I just fell apart in that vets today. I'm just not strong when it comes to this kind of thing. If you have some good thoughts you could send Ruby's way I would be so grateful. Ian will be crushed if we lose her. We all will.

UPDATE: The vet called and said that Ruby passed away.

Monday, November 10, 2008


  • Looks like the cut off this month was February 17Th. Two days. I guess I shouldn't have complained when I thought we were getting five. I'm still having Ian remove four links from the chain as the 18Th and 19Th were weekend days and nobody was logged in. MY chain....MY rules. That brings us down to 17 LID days left to process until they get to us.

  • The good news that came from the last batch was that Mr. Stork was carrying the referral of a special little girl that belongs to my not so secret pal, J. Click here if you want to see total cuteness. Congratulations J and family!!

  • Sent off my request for my renewal of my I171H last Monday. Received a notice from our local US-CIS office that the request was received and not to contact them for 90 days. Bite me.

  • When we met with our social worker to update our paperwork she said, "Even if China only refers two days a month from here on out.....You probably won't have to renew a fourth time." That statement sure gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Not.

  • It's cold here. Just last week I went to work without a coat. Ugh. I told Peaches, "Well, we have to have Winter before we can have Spring again." Peaches said, "That was really deep." =)

  • I started my Christmas shopping. This needs to go on record as being the earliest I have EVER started shopping for Christmas. I'm usually one to put everything off until the last possible minute.

  • I'm loving the fact that gas is down to $1.95. I thought for sure that the prices were going to go back up after the election. Speaking of the election......Glad it's OVER! Sick to death of it messing with my TV schedule.

  • Griffin gets his braces off today. He doesn't know that after his appointment I'm going to take him to get a haircut too. He HATES to get his haircut because he thinks it looks good long. DRIVES! ME! NUTS!! Why doesn't he just accept the fact that I know best???!!

  • Peaches is having a B-day this Friday and mine is next Monday. This is the first year that I really could care less about turning another year older. You're only as old as you feel...

  • Peaches has been hobbling around like an old man the last few days. He was doing some exercises and screwed up his knee. This is why I think exercise is stupid. I say REST your body parts and they will last longer.

  • My latest fear is that we will be in China at the same time as Hope's graduation from High School. Any other time is fine.....Just NOT then. Hope is already talking smack about us needing to chose her graduation over China.

  • I'll update this post later with a picture of Ian removing the loops from the Ava LID chain. I'll also get a picture of Griffin without the braces and hopefully sporting a new shorter haircut. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


I was just catching up on RQ and saw the following rumor posted in the comment section. I usually wouldn't post anything from the comment section on here, but this about made me spit the Pepsi I was drinking on my keyboard when I read it:

I am new to posting. Our agency told me the other day that the CC*AA is saying that things will speed up after referrals through 3.09.06 are given. This means some time early next year things will speed up. Has anyone else heard this. Please post if this is not true. I had my hopes raised for the last week thinking this was true, but then I come to this site and there is no talk about it. I am thinking it is NOT TRUE.

Now, considering that the slowdown with adoptions from China started the same freakin' month that we started our paperchase waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in August, 2005......The rumor is things will speed up one freakin' LID day after our log-in date is referred????!!!!! I almost think with my stinkin' luck THIS rumor will come true. AND for those waiting behind me......I hope that it does. ;)