Saturday, March 11, 2006

and I can't forget to mention Rylee

Rylee is a very good boy. He was a stray that I picked up from a woman from daycare. She had found him & was going to take him to the local animal shelter. The shelter she was taking him to put's the animal's to sleep in 3 day's. I told her that I would take him to the shelter in Grand Rapid's where he would be given a lot better chance. Well, let's just say Rylee never made it to the shelter. He has gotten VERY protective of his human family & would give his
life for any of us. I can let Rylee out the door and he never travel's farther than the sound of my voice. However, Rylee does have a bit of a dark side. Rylee is ALWAY's hunting and when he is sucessful in his kill, he pee's on his victim! I have a hard time with that! He
also has a habit of taking some kitty treat's out of the litter box.


Blogger Lisa and Tate said...

Looks like you have a bundle of snuggle fun!!! Too bad we're not neighbors cause we could get our pups together and have some series dog pup romping!!! I know Mesa would love it!!


1:03 AM  

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