Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Projected DTC

I spoke to Sherry (Over the Rainbow Dossier Service) via email today. We are still shooting
for a February 10th DTC date. If only the Chinese Consulate wasn't closing Monday & Tuesday
we would be able to be DTC a week earlier. I still have to get our photo's together this weekend. We never did get our passport size photo's taken last weekend (remember the mood was shall we say "a little stinky" this last weekend) so, that is a MUST this Saturday. I'm just
getting more and more excited each day. I know we have a looooong wait ahead but, I think it's
going to go by fast. A lot of happy families are receiving their referral's tomorrow. The CCAA
has sent out a batch for all families logged in before May 13, 2005. I can't even imagine the
excitement they are feeling. It is like the night before Christmas x 1,000,000,000.00!
The more I think about it.........It's even WAY better than that!


Blogger M3 said...

Hey Feb 10 is an excellent day! (many very cool people were born on that day. *wink*)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

7:03 PM  

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